Writing Lore and Story for a Board Game
The dreaded berserker, one of the many playable characters in Champion’s Call.
I’m honored to announce that I’m working with Brave Horizon Studios on developing storylines and lore for their new board game: Champion’s Call. To me, this is huge! I’ve always loved board games, especially those more for the adult audience, like: the Game of Thrones board game, Munchkins, Risk, and Lords of Waterdeep. I’m also a sucker for tactics and tactical play, enjoying video games like The Battle for Middle Earth, Civilization, Company of Heroes 2, and this board game (Champion’s Call) combine all of that together!
It’s like DND, but without the Game Master - and you fight each other!
If you’ve ever played Dungeons&Dragons, or have a semi-inkling as to what it’s about, Champion’s Call is a turn based tactical skirmisher, as if Dungeons&Dragons was a Player-vs-Player board game on steroids. There are endless possibilities, meaning no two games are the same. The tactical aspect is pumped to the absolute max, where a mind for strategy is rewarded (but risky plays may also pay off and mercilessly destroy your foe’s tactical plan).
I came into contact with Brave Horizon Studios and the owner got to read my Science Fiction book Specter because I wanted to impress him enough to let me loose on his board game. Luckily for me, it worked, and I’m now set to write interesting story and lore about the characters people get to play!
I’m so pumped and psyched, and can’t wait to root myself and create a rich and fantastical world! Thank you to the people at Brave Horizon Studios! I will do my best!